
Abstract Cycles

Project Description This video was created to show the lifecycle of a frog in an abstract and whimsical form. Similar to life on our planet, the video is designed so that it can be played in an endless loop. Ultimately it was an exercise in synchornizing music and animation to create a cohesive storyline.

Shrouded Geckos

Background Above you’ll see a motion logo designed for a fantasy e-sports team. The logo is meant to represent a team of underdogs, who had somehow made their way into the professional field, beating out even their more commercialized counterparts. As the leopard gecko is a creature that thrives in harsh desert environments, it serves …

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Background In 2017, nearly 40% of America’s waste was being sent over seas for the purpose of recycling and repurposing materials. So when in 2018 China began rejecting most of this material, the problems within our waste management system became clear. With the price of plastic now so low, many municipalities could not afford the …

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Background Every year the world consumes over 80 billion pieces of clothing. The production of these articles often requires massive amounts of water, chemicals, and oil. Cotton shirts for example require 700 gallons of water, or approximately 3 years of water for a single human being. Even worse, the average pair of jeans is produced …

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Brew & Grow

Proposal Brew & Grow is a speculative brand that encourages users to find a use for their used coffee grounds. Because coffee grounds are acidic, adding it to a pot can help provide ideal soil conditions for plants like marigolds. The packaging is designed to be free of plastic and completely compostable. Ideally the user …

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Design Streak Work

What is Design Streak? Design Streak is a pre-professional studio hosted by Illinois State University featuring a rotating line up of Graphic Design Students. This collaborative studio focuses on civic service, design research, and community engagement. Design Streak Logo BN Welcoming Logo Breaking Bread Logo Each semester, a new logo is designed by each student …

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Life 101 Event Branding

Background During my junior year of college, I was asked to develop speculative event that I felt was needed on campus. Once I had considered my audience, purpose, and goals, I would then need to create branding for the event. Thinking back on my own experience, I often found myself frustrated by just how little …

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