Design Streak Work

What is Design Streak?

Design Streak is a pre-professional studio hosted by Illinois State University featuring a rotating line up of Graphic Design Students. This collaborative studio focuses on civic service, design research, and community engagement.

Design Streak Logo

BN Welcoming Logo

Breaking Bread Logo

Each semester, a new logo is designed by each student to represent Design Streak. The semester in which I participated in Design Streak, was the first in which the studio would host 5 designers from China, and 6 from Illinois State University. To celebrate this unification we wanted to ensure this logo represented both groups. Within Design Streak, our designers collaborate to grow our skills and gain new perspectives. With the idea of growth in mind, this logo uses natural motifs to celebrate the changes within the studio. 

Within this logo two doves are intertwined within a protective circle. Doves are an incredibly social migratory bird. Their soothing calls have long been associated with peace and community. For those immigrating to Bloomington Normal, BN Welcoming is known for taking people under their wing. With the warm soft color scheme

This logo was designed for the McLean History Museum’s Breaking Bread speaker series. A series highlighting how culinary traditions evolve over through migration and cultural mixing. Over the course of human history, we have exchanged and combined food from all over the world. Often parcels of produce and recipes are the culmination of many years of migration and assimilation. With this logo’s combination of spices and ingredients from different cultures, it is meant to convey the unity of cultures through food.